Taiwan Tales

Thursday, July 13, 2006

IT'S A TYPHOON! ..... oh no; my mistake; sorry :)

For the last week Taiwan has been waiting for the typhoon to arrive: every news channel has been broadcasting pictures of predicted paths and guestimates of destruction and chaos.
Well I've gotta say; I'm here on day one of Typhoon Sts Bilis and it's a bit timid.
Come on! Try and make me feel a little edgey. I hardly slept last night looking forward to this; 'it'll be better than christmas!' i thought! Then today I cycled into work.... yes that's right - on a push bike; and home again tonight; waiting to be blown off the face of the earth; but no... I've had more turbulence getting out of bed. After cycling in Britain most of my life; i am yet to be impressed by Taiwanese winds.
At the moment i'm at home and it's raining; it's been raining for some time; but I wouldn't call it a typhoon.
I will keep you posted on this one; it is afterall only day one; who knows... this time tomorrow our house could be at the bottom of the hill.

Well it's now saturday evening...and the drizzle outside is all that is left of the typhoon; although i heard that further north schools were closed... sometimes life just aint fair... mind you it has provided us with a welcome relief of cooler weather.. i'm actually wearing clothes in the house today!


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