Taiwan Tales

Monday, April 24, 2006

How crazy's that!

Isn't it great how what seems normal in a foreign country is actually really completely risky/mad/adventurous/illegal etc in the UK.
Take the other night; i went for an italian with Martin from Shane school, his girlfriend Kate and er friend Katie on the back of a scooter. This was my first Taiwan scooter experience: at the end of a good night, Katie was a little worse for vodka, and needed taking home in taxi from the hillside resturant.. i jokingly volunteered to ride her scooter home... and they give me the keys... id never ridden one before ... and id had 2 pints and 2 glasses of vodka... only in taiwan! it was 3 in the morning, so not many things to drive into, then half way home, it just stopped... ran out of umph... so we needed to tie it to a tree and I got on the back of Martin's scooter for the rest of the journey.... crazy


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