Taiwan Tales

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Driving in Taiwan

Now I know i've commented on it before but i felt this topic warranted a post of its own.
It's the one thing that is preventing Taiwan from calling itself a developed country. The route causes of the problem has to be that anyone can drive a scooter without any qualification for driving one (take me for instance) and that car drivers do not learn to drive on the road, but in a concrete yard... tested more on their ability to move the car rather than respond to anything else on the road.
It's a world of contradictions:
  • All adults must wear a helmet when driving scooters... but any helmet will do... and children don't have to wear a helmet at all... be there 1 or 4 clinging to the back of the scooter!
  • Drink driving is closely monitored by the police and people are regularly breathalised.... yet there seems to be no rules against driving reckless driving without alcohol!
  • Everyone must drive on the right... unless you are taking the next left in which case cross to the other side as soon as there's a gap in the traffic; and skirt the side of the road.
  • Unlike in the UK, where car drivers try not to hit anyone, here in Taiwan car drivers are careful not to be hit by anyone... especially scooters; who will win any trial against a car driver and expect to be compensated for their own recklessness.
  • Give way to the right. Not a rule, but scooter drivers do not look before pulling out of a road.
  • Give way to those in front... drivers in Taiwan do not see the need in indicating before stopping or pulling off the road (a bigger problem for cyclists than drivers). In fact the only time you can guarentee a car is not going to move is when he has his indictors on.
  • A red light means stop for cars and check and go for scooters. Something I've often taken advantage of as the lights can take 2minutes to change in some places!
It all seems so stupid when the infrastructure is in place and they can afford the safety measures that no-one has thought, maybe this is a problem that needs fixing.
That said if you take all of these crazy rules into account before taking to the road here; you can have a safe trip.


At 6:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny but true...

Here are some more:
-at night, redlights are optional
-at night, the min speed in a city is 80kmh
-Altough the traffic is on the right side, one should use the left line in a curve (so theoretically, if you do the same, you should be ok)
-the max speed in a curve is 25kmh
-the min speed in the following straight line is 90kmh
-don't be afraid of accidents, it happens only to the others


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